Friday, March 25, 2016

Group: The Three Little Pigs
Traishelle, Eric, Rory & Paul
Kazia, Estrada
English 1301-175
25 Mar 2016


“Even when out on your own, it is best to listen to the wise.”

Feminism Critique of the Fox and the Geese

            The way the story was written is the first thing that grabs our attention. From beginning to the end, it is like a poem with rhymes. We believe this allows the readers to become more compelled to continue reading although it is long. When studying the females in this tale, we can see they play a major role. Although the editor of this version is a man, he characterizes the geese very well. Of the fox, he can be characterized as a man that is preying on young women. Another behavior that this story shows is how children can down play advice from their parents.  
            In the beginning of the fairytale, the mother goose is concern for her daughters because of the fox. However, after she passes they begin to make their own decision. Quite the same as a typical young female would do once she is out on her own. The role of the mother is like their guardian, but after she dies, they have no one. The roles of the daughters are basic life responsibilities for means of survival. It is understood that the writers attitude toward the daughters are that they are naïve and immature. Gobble did not take her mother’s advice and made her house out of very rudimentary materials. She was definitely stubborn and that is why the fox demolished her.
Goosey put up a little bit more of a fight than her younger sister, but her “want to be” independence got in the way and she half-stepped when it came to building her house. Eventually, he lit the thatch on fire that held the bricks down and killed Goosey too. This is a prime example of how young women are today, they feel they are doing great on their own, only listening to their parents advice sometimes and when something goes wrong, they try to flee. However, because they are not well prepared or mature, they are caught up.
Finally, there was Ganderee, who was very smart. She takes head to her mother’s advice and lives by it by building a very strong house that held the fox at bay. She too is scared of the fox but had prepared herself to overcome any of his tricks. Guessing from her behavior, she might have been the eldest. When she allowed the fox to hide in her churn bucket the fox thought she was naïve. However, she had an alternative motive and poured boiling water on the fox that killed him. By listening to the warnings that her mother gave her, this kept her alive.
           The moral of this story is that the value of listening to our elders could in fact save our lives or at least from heartache. Not only women, but men as well go through tempting situations, but it can be avoided if they obey the law of wisdom.
Work Cited

Roger. "The Fox Chases the Canada Geese." Flickr. Yahoo!, 11 Jan. 2015. Web. 25 Mar. 2016. <>.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Group: The Three Little Pigs
Traishelle, Eric and Rory
Kazia, Estrada
English 1301-175
6 Mar 2016

"I know what you want; you shall not come in here tonight."

Psychoanalytic Criticism of the Fox and the Pixies
From the popular story of the Three Little Pig’s comes a version a bit different, it is called The Fox and the Pixies. This particular fairytale is an English version but still to this day, the original author remains unknown. In this particular fairytale, it begins with a fox driven to devouring pixies. When reading this story the reader can gain a clear imagery of how this story might have happened. In addition, it is certain that the fox’s state of mind in the story is sort of up and down throughout the story. In the beginning, it was nighttime and the first two pixies did not have very good solid homes to protect them, so the fox had them at a disadvantage. This situation gave the fox determination because he was easily able to get to them and eat them.
However, when he tried to get the third pixy, it does not go along as planned. He begins to get frustrated and sad because he cannot defeat the pixie. In the beginning, the first two pixies had lost, but this time around, the third pixy was smarter than the fox. Because of this, the fox loses his cool and by the third pixie, he is defeated. The third pixie was so smart that he even compelled the fox to fall into his own trap and there he dies.

Being that the fox was in a dream-like scenario, he loses all control and dies by the power of his own prey. Although the story does not mention this, it is possible that the third pixie knew about the fox from his stories during his childhood or that he was aware of what happened to the other two pixies. Therefore, he was able to prepare in advance and protect himself from the fox.

This is similar to the human psyche, when we think of home invasions. When we hear stories of what happen to someone else, or if happens to us, we go out of our way to make sure that same things does not happen to us again. The third pixy did stay calm the entire time, even when it looked like he was going to be eaten. Thus being a prime example that a boisterous attitude would cause you to fail, but a clear mind prevails and keeps you alive. It is also possible that the pixy himself was a little sick minded as well, as he did not mourn his peers deaths (but then it never mentioned he even knew them). However, he also had no guilt after charming the fox to its death, which I am sure any well-minded person would feel guilty after killing another person even in self-defense. 

Work Cited

"Fairy Fae a Touch of Magic." Pinterest. Web. 06 Mar. 2016